
Friday, September 16, 2011

Alpha Leader.

Alpha Leader

     Who does not like to be in power? Who does not like domination? Leaders rule over people. Even mammals try to rule over each other.

The person who is powerful will become a chief minister, prime minister, president or king. However the leader is more autocrat, dominate or superior will be more successful and this is very important manner too. The fertility of female chimpanzee becomes standstill for five years when she is feeding her baby. Some of the people might have an idea that everyone should have their own principle of life and they must get their own rights.

No one likes much dominating leaders or even domination of any person in family. Everyone likes to rule over the situation even though they don’t like to be rule over by others. Let us see what evolutionary psychology or biology says.

   Female chimpanzee come in heat every five years? We are not talking about human beings. The fertility of female chimpanzee becomes standstill for five years when she is feeding her baby. The male chimpanzee is only interested in sex when they smell the fertility or heat waves of female form the surroundings but they are very much interested in supremacy any time. Every male chimpanzee fights with each other to win the female chimpanzee when she is ready to produce the generation after five years because the one is going to get chance who will win. The DNA of dominant will survive. And naturally the winner will be head of crowd. Sex, aggressiveness and supremacy provokes by different chemicals. Testosterone and Oxytocin is responsible for Sex. Serotonin gives the feelings of high supremacy when aggressiveness is due to some auspicious co-ordination.

     Mammals wish to be superior. Dominant animals get more food which gives them more psychical capability and strength.  With that they can win over the enemy and competitor and can have successful sex life which help them to survive their DNA. Dominant  females can get extra food which arrangement helps to give nourishing food to their little ones. She can get rid of aggressive animals so that she can have the genes of the male who wins the battle among and who is strongest. Domination is not for only sex, which is also the means of supremacy too. Sex is also necessary factor of survival. Even with the presence of dominant no dogs fight with each other but they will definitely fight with each other in its absence. Basically every mammals   have the same method or patron of survival. Autocracy and domination forced them to be calm down.


As weak mammals are used to stay under the protection of strong mammals to save them from predator, they are used to stay in group so that they can save themselves from thrashing and losing their parts of body from the unnecessarily fight. They are always very much anxious to grab opportunity to be brain dominant so once they feel that in the absence of Alpha male there is no possibility for any injury they will start fighting with each other very aggressively. Once two mammals will come closer their brain will start thinking to be dominant on the other as survival depends on it. Mammal brain will think to get the piece of bread without getting injured as they have experienced that powerful mammal will definitely going to injure them and this painful experience will inspire them to surrender themselves. 

 The fact is that we are human beings not animals but we have got inheritance limbic system from our ancestor who were used to reside in group to survive. This limbic system controls the neurochemicals which are responsible for our good and bad feelings. With the flow of serotonin you feel yourself superior which gives you the feeling of happiness and inspire you to stay on the highest post. May be most sensible society consider this as barbarity but we have got this evolution since years and years. And that’s why the courteous society has formed the social concept of social work, leadership. Gradually they learn to cut the cloth according their size.  

 Our mammal brain desires for the feeling of happiness under the civilized cortex. My dear friends as you know mammal brain does all these since millions of years. That means from millions of years we are live fossil of our ancestors.

    Narendra Modi is excellent example of Alpha leader. All of the ministers working under him must be afraid of even going to his cabin. Keshubhai tried to pleased most of the ministers by giving them some or the other important posts but every one wishes to be chief minister. Finally government broke down. Initially Modi had cabinet of 15 ministers but he is so determine that he can continue even with five ministers too. Every government officers has to work under the execution of Modi which is most unlikely situation for them. In the absence of dominant group leader other members would start quarrel with each other. And due to that government or family breaks down .To show their dominance chimpanzee or monkey starts shouting loudly or screaming    at each other.

   Without any reason the lion and tiger starts roaring to show their dominance. Shouting is the easiest way to show domination.

Modi is very capable and famous for his speech. He is very much expert for giving loud speech. Now a days leaders have become predator of group or nation instead of protector .They have started to rob a nation. The leader like Baba Ram Dev has lost the psychological value from people's mind as he is trying to save his life under the help of female image. After some long years Gujarat is passing through peaceful days and the reason is now Gujarat has got one very powerful dominant leader.

I am not pleading for any one. I am just giving my idea on mammal brain. India now really needs one most dominant prime minister with strong will power. It is high time that people should elect their strong dominant prime minister. India really needs a true Alpha leader. 


By : Bhupendrasinh Raol


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