Every human being likes to be dominant. It’s different thing that it is not possible for everyone. But if they will get a chance everybody will try for it.
If they don’t get chance they would prefer to survive under the dominant person by their nature. If possible any animal will try to grab the opportunity. Because who is dominant will get more food which is going to help him to get more energy to win any battle. It is said that the serotonin which give you the feeling of most happiness is found in stomach then brain. And secondary thing is that dominant get more sexual opportunity for reproduction and that’s why their DNA stay for long.
If they don’t get chance they would prefer to survive under the dominant person by their nature. If possible any animal will try to grab the opportunity. Because who is dominant will get more food which is going to help him to get more energy to win any battle. It is said that the serotonin which give you the feeling of most happiness is found in stomach then brain. And secondary thing is that dominant get more sexual opportunity for reproduction and that’s why their DNA stay for long.
Animals would fight directly to be dominant as they don’t know except this.They will undertake terrible responsibility too. But certainly they are going to get great physical injury and they might die too. Sometimes even they succeed they will lose energy or will stay in miserable condition due to trashing and it is sure that predator would definitely going to kill them. We human beings are not beasts. We have got evolutionary open mind or developed mind so all human beings have discovered the techniques to be dominant. It is pure fact that even human beings were fighting like beasts or apes to be dominant when they were not so civilized or when they were living as ancestor in jungle. Then after he started to discover different techniques for sexual reproduction and domination.
In 2005 and then again in 2008 a group of Bolivian anthropologist went to the jungle for the study of Tsimane (a small-scale society of Amerindian) people .Christopher von Rueden and his colleagues interviewed some 88 males and then their wives. Like un-industrial civilization Tsimane are mildly polygamous .5% male had more than one wife and 15% had no wife. What civilized society is going for? A man of civilized society will marry then after some years he will take divorce and again he will re-marry. They are known for their monogamy but under the name of monogamy they are adopting polygamy. Competition for domination and sexual reproduction are going together. Human being always tries to find out courteous techniques for domination and reproduction both. It is not like that to be a dominant or to reach on highest post means to become a king or president or prime minister. Mammal brain will try to be dominant on any basis. In India guests come to our home even without any occasion .But in America no one comes at our home without any reason. So if we want to show something new in our house we have to find out a reason to invite them like to arrange a party or we have to arrange a Satya Narayan katha.
Before some days a gentlemen came to office with some list. Actually i don’t remember as it was a long list but he had some dollars in his bank account, some of them in locker. I was never interested in his property or asset .what he is earning is none of my business. Any one’s glory does not even impress me anymore. If your colleague will get promotion and will reach to some high level post he will move with high temperament.
First the chief of the family will try to be a chief of society and then county and then for some more high post. These are the days that everyone has to fight election and even have to fall at feet or have to entreat earnestly. To entreat earnestly or to fall at feet politely are the techniques of civilized society. To have more body guards has become a symbol of high status. Leaders have their S.G.P protection guards .Same as Mafia have their own body guards. Mafias enjoy the status of Alpha leader even though they are not acceptable as a leader of state.
But now time has changed, even Mafia can be a leader through election.?Do we see any difference between Leaders and Mafias present days?Some of leaders have tried to fight election with the help of Mafias. Now time has changed and Mafias themselves fight election. Present leaders are sophisticated Mafias. They rob the people like Mafias but in different way. There is difference between Alpha animal male and human. Animal alpha male has to fight to death until he wins. Where else man can be a leader with different ways. But the leader who was bagging for his survive will not even care to listen you. Weak or powerless animal or man has always strong desire to be a Alpha because he want his DNA active .It’s different thing that everyone can not be a Alpha.
It is a fact that lion will roar to show that he is Alpha. Dogs will bark to show that they have got right to be a dominant. Everyone wants a chance. It is their hard luck if they don’t get it. Mafias try to show their importance. They will shout louder for that, somebody will bag for the votes, everyone has their own way and own place.
May be the chief of the reserve bank cannot get success as a prime minister.I don’t remember much but as i know politics Hitendra desai was the chief of Guajarat. There were some more leaders like Ghanashyam Oza, Babubhai Jashabhai, Madhavsinh , Amarsinh, Keshubhai, Shankarsinh. There are some more names but we don’t need to remember them.Out of all i believe that Modi is really dominant. I have no respect for any party. I have criticize Bhajap . I have no great respect even for Modi and have criticized him too. I have compared him with Keshubhai. Anyone can defeat Modi and can b a Alpha if it is a matter of personal or mutual battle.No present leader is psychically capable or suitable to be a Alpha. The real Alphas have become practically laborer.So no one can stand in Alpha category .As per my opinion only Arnold Schwarzenegger- a late governor of California is really politically as well physically capable Alpha leader. Sometimes people do some ridiculous gestures to show that are something very special or different then other people. Bhappi Laheri is most appropriate model of it. Just have a look on his get up. He puts on a lots of golden jewelry. He wants to show his wealth. I have seen a video of a Mafia moving with all most 5 K.G gold on his body. People will try to show in different way that they are very special as somebody will move with unusually long hair, some with bald head. Some of them will go for a higher knowledge and will get a good degree like Doctor- Engineer. Some of them will become writer or poet and if they don’t get chance in any good field they are definitely going to be a leader. Today everyone is in the competition of superiority.
No one gets women if he will not be Alpha male but this courteous society has find a special arrangement like marriage .Yes , with the help of marriage system without any fight , without any competition male can have a female to transfer his gens .Only male gets advantage of this system. Female does not get any advantage of this.As female does not get any choice they have to raise weak, powerless, penurious, sick, ill people’s gens. She has to raise the gens of the people who are not even capable care for their inheritor. This is one of reason of India’s poverty. Poor people have no other source of entertainment except sex so it has become the most easy way of enjoyment and that’s why poverty is going to increase .The study in 2003 shows that 8% of middle Asian people had only Y chromosomes of Changiz khan .Usually Mongol and Chinese kings had more them wife. Kings of china used to marry with two women at a time.This shows that the gens are going to spread more and more by the high status people. History says that only 3% of male have not transferred their gens. Changiz Khan was one of the most powerful emperor .According Indian history and mythology kings and some characters were truly physically powerful and capable Alpha males . The whole Mahabhart is based on the clash of domination between Bhim and Duryodhan.Rest of the characters was no so important as both of them were more powerful fighters. Duryodhan was very much interested in Draupadi who was like precious Jewelle of those ancient days. Bhim was like intervene or obstruction for him.Arjun and Bhim were Draupadi"s beloved husbands. In any crisis she seeks for help of Bhim. We know the episode of Kichak -how he was killed? That was sure that at least for a short period but at the time of ovulation she always liked Bhim .
But she had more likings for emotional company of Arjun which was long lasting."If you want to know something more about this you can read my article " Streeyo Ni Duvidhajanak Jindagi .Krishan was physically very powerful from his childhood.
When ever i talk about Krishna Changeez Khan comes to mind because all most 16 millions of people have his gens. Looking to this we can say that we have got more gens inheritance of Krishna then Ram.
Krishna had 8 chief queens and 16000 queens. If you remember jarashanh , like him all most all kings were very strong and powerful. Ramayn is narration of fight between two Alphas to get world best beauty. One got it and another had to take away by force.
The emperor of middle ages was powerful. Rana Sanga had all most 80 injuries on his body. He lost his one eye during the battle. All most all parts of his body were injured. If you remember Rana Pratap , except Chetak no other horse could bear his riding.
He has cut the head of Muslim General with his horse. Pruthviraj Chauhan was famous for his skill to move the sward with his two hands and due to this skill he was caught .We know Chatrapati Shivaji as Dungar No Undar" No present leader can stand with the comparison of those personalities.
He has cut the head of Muslim General with his horse. Pruthviraj Chauhan was famous for his skill to move the sward with his two hands and due to this skill he was caught .We know Chatrapati Shivaji as Dungar No Undar" No present leader can stand with the comparison of those personalities.
Let’s think in other way. We are so much attached with religion that it effects on our thoughts .Religion and religious activity effects on our day to day life. If anybody wants to be a Alpha male it is very easy for him in any religious country. Anyone can be a spiritual guide or anyone can have his own religious foundation. Any religious founder can be a Alpha leader of this courteous society easily. You will be in power if you are a king or even a spiritual guide. There is a foundation of one preceptor since 500 years and today his followers have become preceptor.
What a intellectual and smart technique? Devotees are so dedicated to them that they offer their females to these preceptor so for them sexual reproduction has become more easy. No fighting -no stress, only religious brainwash. After 500 years of that main preceptor even his followers have become religious Alpha and can transfer their gens to many females. Why they are so much interested in females once they reach the highest post? Does mammal brain force them for this evolution? Many ordinary story teller of Ramayan have got a great respect
in this society. This is also a good proficiency of this civilized and religious society. Mahavir , Budhdh and Vivekananad were different personality . They wanted to get emancipation from the mammal brain. We have got inheritance mammalian brain in every birth or life which was known as ancient Indian culture . Do we call a self -realization if we get emancipation out of all this?
What a intellectual and smart technique? Devotees are so dedicated to them that they offer their females to these preceptor so for them sexual reproduction has become more easy. No fighting -no stress, only religious brainwash. After 500 years of that main preceptor even his followers have become religious Alpha and can transfer their gens to many females. Why they are so much interested in females once they reach the highest post? Does mammal brain force them for this evolution? Many ordinary story teller of Ramayan have got a great respect
in this society. This is also a good proficiency of this civilized and religious society. Mahavir , Budhdh and Vivekananad were different personality . They wanted to get emancipation from the mammal brain. We have got inheritance mammalian brain in every birth or life which was known as ancient Indian culture . Do we call a self -realization if we get emancipation out of all this?
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